The Pros and Cons of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The Pros and Cons of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Most people have their wisdom teeth removed at some point in their lives. You probably have a parent, uncle, or someone else you know who has narrated the story of how it all happened. And you probably developed some resistance to removing your own wisdom teeth. 

Which begs the question: Is it really necessary to extract wisdom teeth? Might there be some benefits to actually keeping your wisdom teeth, and thereby avoiding the discomfort and costs of this procedure?

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of wisdom tooth extraction to help you make an informed decision.

The Pros of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

There are a few good reasons to have your wisdom teeth removed. Here are some of the most common, as recommended to the patients at one of Norway’s top dental clinics, Oslo based Sentrum Tannlegesenter

  1. First, they can crowd your other teeth and cause them to become crooked or misaligned. This can both impact how you look, but it can also make it more difficult to eat.
  2. Second, they can be difficult to clean properly, which can lead to cavities and gum disease. The reason it’s so difficult is especially that they can “lean backward” towards the back of your mouth, which basically makes it impossible for any toothbrush-like thing to reach back there.
  3. Third, they may cause pain or discomfort if they grow incorrectly. This can come in the form of teeth rubbing together, uneven pressure on your jaw muscles when eating, or an increased tendency to bite your gums or tongue.

The Cons of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure, which means there are some risks involved. These risks include bleeding, infection, and damage to nearby teeth, as mentioned by Swedish Dental in Stockholm (a country that, in addition to Norway, is quite high up on the list of quality dental clinics in the world). Additionally, the recovery process can be painful and uncomfortable. You may also experience some numbness or tingling in your lips, gums, and chin after the surgery.

So, should you remove your wisdom teeth? The answer is that it depends on your individual situation. If your wisdom teeth are causing problems or are at risk of doing so in the future, then removal may be the best option. However, if they are not causing any problems and are growing incorrectly, then you may be better off leaving them alone. Talk to your dentist to see what they recommend in your case.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this website is intended to be taken as treatment, advice or diagnosis of your dental or other health needs. You must see a dentist and discuss options for treatment before making a decision about your dental treatment. Always seek the advice of a health care professional for appropriate medical advice.

The Pros and Cons of Wisdom Tooth Extraction
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